Stranger Springs, Round 1: Keaton Grace and Ian Sullivan

Unfortunately for Keaton Grace and Ian Sullivan, living in Strangerville comes with a downside; they are infected by the Mother Plant! This means that every night, late at night, they are taken over by her effects and begin wandering the neighborhood like mindless zombies. The good side of this is that when they return, all their motives are maxed and they are quite happy. Mindlessness is bliss?

Keaton Grace is as happy as a maiden frolicking in a field of wildflowers

Ian Sullivan spent a lot of time working on skills in preparation for throwing parties. In past BACC’s, I’ve found throwing parties with no electricity to be pretty challenging, so for now I just focused on getting him some of the skills he’ll benefit from next round.

Ian practices mixology while Keaton is painting on his slablet

Keaton managed to get the house decorated and generate some funds for some nice upgrades. There’s plenty of money for more upgrades, but I wanted to wait for the partying phase before spending most of his earnings. Bed, plumbing, and appliances all got upgrades.

Upgrades to the house

Keaton got his painting skill maxed in the process, and painted 9 out of 10 masterpieces, all in the abstract style. 5 will be large and 5 will be medium, so that they hang nicely on only 5 tiles of wall.

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