Itharon, Round 7: Fern Park

Genevieve completed the Zen Guru aspiration. She will start on Successful Lineage next.
Marcus completed his Rambunctious Scamp aspiration, and started on his last with only 1 day to go: Social Butterfly.

Desmond and Genevieve got a Potion of Youth.

Marcus mastered the Social skill.
Unfortunately I realized that there are only two known children in the world, so Marcus had to have his birthday without that last aspiration. I won’t try for Rambunctious Scamp again until I have four children at once.

Marcus rolled Foodie, so I gave him the Freelance Botanist aspiration. He went shopping all over town for seeds.

I decided this was a good time for Desmond and Genevieve to have another child, so I had them Try for Baby.

The whole family helped with the garden.
Genevieve had a baby boy named Dante!

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