Itharon, Round 9: Beech Byway Elizabeth completed her last childhood aspiration, which makes her eligible for scouts! Jaycee and Brent keep asking everybody if they should Try For Baby, so I helped them out. Brent got a Potion of Youth. Servo got promoted to the top of the Environmental Manager career from a chance card! Amina finished levelling her toddler skills. Elizabeth aged up. I chose one of the new Teen aspirations for her, and gave her Creative as it seems to fit her personality, as well as her parents’. Amina aged up. I started her off on Social because the weekend is coming up. Because she was a pretty happy toddler despite being Fussy, I gave her Cheerful. Jacob Hart was born! Brent reached Cooking level 10. Thanks to Desmond King, Clubs are unlocked. Clubs make socializing children much, much easier.