Itharon, Round 9: Comfy Cubby

Melanie got her skills mastered way early. Good thing, since she’s a cop’s kid and has less time on screen.
Manami mastered the Fitness skill.

Corrine and Manami got Potions of Youth.

Melanie aged up with Top-Notch Toddler. I gave her the Active trait, since she was such a little go-getter and both of her moms are pretty active, and the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration to start with, as it’s Friday.

Good day to go to the park. Corrine has the MySims Trophies collection complete and ready to place at the Desert Bloom park in Oasis Springs.

Manami mastered the Guitar skill. Apparently that was enough to give me the “All skills” achievment!
I took a quick pit stop with Arjun Bhatt to fix his N.A.P.’s.

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