Vesta, Round 5: Tranquil Crescent

Kaitlyn’s new aspiration is Super Parent, so I built the couple a new house and had them try for baby. Kaitlyn got pregnant.

Xander completed the Leader of the Pack aspiration.
I put Xander on Friend of the World and took only a few steps. He completed it right away. I put him on Inner Peace.
Kaitlyn reached the top of the Fast Food career and took up the Barista job.
Kaitlyn gave birth to Trevor Berg!
Kaitlyn mastered the Entrepreneurship skill!
Xander completed the Inner Peace aspiration, unlocking tier 2 of the Spa lot type. He starts on Successful Lineage next.
Kaitlyn was promoted to the top of the Simfluencer career
Xander mastered the Wellness skill, unlocking tier 1 of the Spa lot type!
Trevor aged up to Toddler with the Angelic trait.
Kaitlyn mastered the Writing skill, unlocking tier 2 of the Library lot type.

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