Vesta, Round 6: Avarice Acres

I’m doing this turn out of order to space Kyle Baptiste’s week to run when the Henford-on-Bagley fair is produce.

Angela got a Potion of Youth.

Kaitlynn and Landen leveled their skills.
Kaitlyn mastered her skills, and will get Top-Notch Toddler.
Landen also achieved Top-Notch Toddler.
The twins aged up. They got to choose their aspiration and trait as they both got Top-Notch Toddler. I put them both on Social Butterfly to start with. Landen I gave the Good trait, and Kaitlynn got Genius.
Angela mastered the Dancing skill.
Jae Kim completed the Perfectly Pristine aspiration. He starts on Soulmate next.
The twins worked on their aspirations.
Landen and Kaitlynn completed the Social Butterfly aspiration. Kaitlynn will start on Artistic Prodigy next. Landen will do Rambunctious Scamp next.

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