Lyria, Round 5: Sultry Springside

Alexander had completed all the aspiration goals for Self-Care Specialist except “Maintain Regular Customer”, which seems to be bugged based on my research, so I cheated the aspiration to complete it. This finishes the 3 Wellness aspirations, unlocking Spa lot tier 3. He takes Bodybuilder next.

Alexander mastered the Fitness skill and completed the Bodybuilder aspiration. He starts on Soulmate next.

Alexander decided to woo Mayumi Okada, a Librarian with whom he has amazing compatibility: Neat, a Bookworm, and Self Absorbed.

Alexander proposed, and they eloped immediately.

Apparently Mayumi had won the lottery twice? Is that possible? Zowie! Her aspiration is Lady of the Knits.

Mayumi got a job as a Style Influencer, intent on becoming a Stylist.

I built Mayumi and Alexander a mansion in Mt. Komorebi, and completed the Mansion Baron aspiration for both of them.

Mayumi is expecting!

Alexander completed the Soulmate aspiration. He starts on Super Parent next.

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