Big Happy Family

This is a Family Aspiration from the Sims 4 Base Game

Bonus Trait

This Bonus Trait takes effect if this is the Sim’s first aspiration.


Domestic Sims will see their familial relationships grow stronger faster.

Reward Trait

This Reward Trait takes effect once the aspiration is complete.


Matriarchs/Patriarchs provide skill boosts whenever they are around their children.


Readily a Parent

  • Become an Adult
  • Spend $1000 on Kids’ Stuff


  • Become a Parent
  • Read to a Child for 2 Total Hours
  • Socialize with your Child 10 Times

Loving Guardian

  • Be a Parent to a Child with 3 Friends
  • Be Friends with 3 of Your Children
  • Have a Child Get Married

Big Happy Family

  • Socialize with Your Child or Grandchild 10 Times
  • Have 4 Grandchildren
  • Become Good Friends with 4 Children or Grandchildren


  • Townie Achievement Challenge: Big Happy Family

    Townie Achievement Challenge: Big Happy Family

    Vivian Lewis has the Big Happy Family aspiration, so I will be going back to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek. Vivian has done everything she needs to do for her aspiration, except have 4 grandchildren. To accomplish that, I’m going to need to move Eric, Alice, and Olivia to a new lot. The way to……