Townie Achievement Challenge: Big Happy Family

Vivian Lewis has the Big Happy Family aspiration, so I will be going back to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek.

Vivian has done everything she needs to do for her aspiration, except have 4 grandchildren. To accomplish that, I’m going to need to move Eric, Alice, and Olivia to a new lot. The way to do that is to get Eric to graduate from college.

Sophia mastered the Social Skill.

Josie mastered the Mental Skill.

Sophia completed the Social Butterfly aspiration. She starts on Whiz Kid next.

Olivia completed the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration. She starts on Whiz Kid next.

I bought Alice Spencer-Kim the Marketable trait.

Josie mastered the Creativity Skill.

Josie completed the Whiz Kid aspiration. She starts on Social Butterfly next.

With all the painted Masterpieces Alice had added to the home, Eric was able to complete the Mansion Baron aspiration. He starts on Computer Whiz next.

With the proceeds from her art, Alice was able to complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration. She then almost instantly completed Mansion Baron (for no points), and took Super Parent afterwards. I used some of her points to buy a Money Tree seed for her father’s garden.

Sophia mastered the Mental Skill.

Alice worked hard enough on her Parenting Skill to become Family Oriented.

Olivia mastered the Mental Skill.

Olivia and Sophia completed the Whiz Kid aspiration at almost the same time. I am putting Olivia on Social Butterfly and Sophia on Artistic Prodigy, but they won’t have time to finish them before aging up.

Olivia aged up to Teen, taking the Creative trait and the Drama Llama aspiration.

About this time I realized that Vivian Lewis isn’t going to live long enough to see her grandchildren unless I change strategies. I decided it made sense to have Alice and Eric adopt her children since she’s nearing her end of life, and then they can adopt one more child to quickly make it four grandchildren. Sigh. I should have done that in the first place.

Eric finished his term well. I am going to have him wait to enroll again, since this turn is almost done.

Vivian mastered the Gourmet Cooking Skill, completing the “Connoiseurus Rex” achievement for 50 points.

Sophia aged up to Teen, taking the Live Fast Aspiration and the Dance Machine trait. Josie also aged up and took Goal Oriented and Genius.

Alice Spencer-Kim adopted Dayna. This completed Vivian Lewis’s Big Happy Family aspiration, and at the same time completed the “Full House” achievement for 10 points. She then insta-completed the Mansion Baron aspiration, and took Master Chef, even though she will not have time to complete it before she dies. I may try bringing her back as a ghost, we’ll see.

My score stayed the same yet again!

Achievement Points870
Sims with a Completed Aspiration13
Unique Aspirations Completed16
Days Played82
Score(13*16+870)/82 = 13

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