Townie Achievement Challenge: Master Mixologist

Since Master Chef was completed in the midst of the last turn (by Hilary Laurent), the next Base Game aspiration we come to in the menu is Master Mixologist. Hector Laurent is already a great candidate for this, so I’m going back to Thebe Estate in Tartosa.

The family threw a Gold-level Keg Party to help Hector with his aspiration.

Marilyn mastered the Nectar Making Skill.

Marilyn purchased the Marketable trait.

Arnessa mastered the Gardening Skill, but this doesn’t count as an achievement since Greta had earned it already.

Greta sold the ghost the dang Ambrosia, and had the money to show for it, but he set it down and didn’t eat it. Ghosts definitely come to the sale during the day, by the way. I’ll just reuse it next time he shows up.

Aha! Sold it to the same ghost, got the Simoleons a second time, and now he’s a real guy! Greta completed the Market Magnate aspiration, and takes Fabulously Wealthy next. I wonder if Felix Psyded is worth wooing?

I bought Greta the Connections, Entrepreneurial, Creative Visionary, and Marketable traits, since she came with Painting 10. I got her a job as a Painter. She started at level 4.

Marilyn got into Distinguished Degrees for nearly everything. Too many choices! I had her follow the family tradition and go for Culinary Arts.

Hector mastered the Charisma skill. No achievement this time.

Hilary aged up to Elder.

Marilyn aged up to Young Adult. I gave her the Dance Machine trait because it’s fun, and because as a child she completed Playtime Captain without much effort.

Hector also aged up.

I built Marilyn a new, grown up bedroom.

Greta painted enough to become an Art Lover.

Greta completed the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration with her Painting and Gardening, earning the “The Most Interesting Sim in The World” achievement for 50 points. She takes Renaissance Sim next.

Arnessa did lots of Yoga and Meditated next to a speaker on the Focus station. She took breaks to take care of her needs, which decayed slowly due to the meditation.

Marilyn completed the Expert Nectar Maker aspiration. She takes Academic next.

Greta put the moves on the ghost she resurrected, Felix Psyded.

Greta moved so fast she became Loyal, but Felix didn’t accept her proposal… until a few minutes later when he thought the idea was great.

Arnessa was able to keep her needs high enough to complete the last goal in her aspiration, to Maintain Harmony (for 48 hours). She completed the Inner Peace aspiration, and starts on Perfectly Pristine next.

Greta and Felix got married. Completing the marriage goals was… hinky. Anyway, Felix wants to be a Friend to the World, and is unemployed.

Hector mastered the Dancing Skill.

Greta got promoted into the Master of the Real branch of the Painter Career.

Hector got promoted into the Mixologist branch of the Culinary Career.

Greta aged up to Adult.

Arnessa vacuumed enough to become Neat.

Hector mastered the Mixology Skill, earning the “Tender Loving” achievement for 50 points, and completing the Master Mixologist aspiration. He takes Neighborhood Confidante next.

My score went down slightly this turn:

Achievement Points1405
Sims with a Completed Aspiration19
Unique Aspirations Completed26
Days Played134
Score(19*26+1405)/134 = 14

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