Zophim Legacy: Generation 2 Infancy

Balfur completed the Master Chef aspiration. He takes Appliance Wiz next.

Cassiel aged up to Infant with the Cautious trait.

Balfur purchased the Marketable, Stoves and Grills Master, and Creative Visionary traits.

Circin mastered the Mixology Skill. Unfortunately that seems to mean they can’t take any more Skill Classes, and so can’t get a Mixology Certification. They’ll have to do it the hard way.

Circin completed the Freelance Botanist aspiration. They start on Master Mixologist next.

Balfur mastered the Baking Skill.

Balfur mastered the Flower Arranging Skill.

Balfur reached the top of the Chef career.

Cassiel aged up to Toddler with the Silly trait.

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