Townie Achievement Challenge: Master Mixologist

Since Master Chef was completed in the midst of the last turn (by Hilary Laurent), the next Base Game aspiration we come to in the menu is Master Mixologist. Hector Laurent is already a great candidate for this, so I’m going back to Thebe Estate in Tartosa. The family threw a Gold-level Keg Party to… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Master Mixologist

Townie Achievement Challenge: Successful Lineage

For Successful Lineage, I am switching to Arnessa Thebe, living at Thebe Estate in Tartosa. Arnessa Thebe (Successful Lineage) is unemployed. Her son, Hector Laurent (Master Mixologist) is in the Athletic career, and so is blocked until he completes his current career. Hector’s wife, Hilary Laurent (Master Chef) is in the Culinary career. Their teen… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Successful Lineage

Townie Achievement Challenge: Big Happy Family

Vivian Lewis has the Big Happy Family aspiration, so I will be going back to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek. Vivian has done everything she needs to do for her aspiration, except have 4 grandchildren. To accomplish that, I’m going to need to move Eric, Alice, and Olivia to a new lot. The way to… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Big Happy Family

Townie Achievement Challenge: Chief of Mischief & Villainous Valentine

The next Base Game aspiration we come to in the menu is Chief of Mischief. The first Sim who fits the bill is Darling Walsh, living in the Karaoke Legends household at 701 ZenView in San Myshuno. Darling Walsh (Chief of Mischief) is a High School Student. She has two roomies: Akira Kibo (Curator) is… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Chief of Mischief & Villainous Valentine

Townie Achievement Challenge: Public Enemy

The next Base Game aspiration is Public Enemy. The first Sim in the Manage Worlds menu with that aspiration is Malcolm Landgraab, but I don’t want to use him because he’s a teen, and his aspiration will soon be blocked until adulthood. Jacque Villareal in Windenburg at Von-Windenburg Estate is at level 9 of the… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Public Enemy

Townie Achievement Challenge: Musical Genius

The next base game aspiration on the list is Musical Genius. For this, I will be playing Cassandra Goth in the Goth Household at Ophelia Villa. This is a long aspiration because Licensing Songs is slow, so I will try to complete as many of the other Sims’ achievements as I can in that time.… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Musical Genius

Townie Achievement Challenge: Bestselling Author

Gavin Richards has already started on Bestselling Author, so I’ll be jumping back to him in the Roomies household at Cacti Casa to get that finished. J worked so hard on his computer skills, he became a Geek. Gavin kept his mood on Inspired, and wrote and published tons of books. Gavin purchased the Creative… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Bestselling Author

Townie Achievement Challenge: Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration

The next aspiration I will focus on is Painter Extraordinaire. Alice Spencer-Kim will be my target Sim this time around, though I will try to complete Eric Lewis and Olivia Spencer-Kim’s aspirations as well, while I am there. Those are both pretty straightforward. Alice Spencer-Kim is an unemployed aspiring Painter Extraordinaire. No one in the… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration

Townie Achievement Challenge: Bodybuilder Aspiration

I’m starting the Townie Achievement Challenge a different way this time: I’m going to focus on one Sim, one Aspiration at a time. I’ll do my best with the other members of each household, but the goal will be on the one focus Sim. I will stay with that sim until the aspiration is complete.… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Bodybuilder Aspiration

Townie Achievement Challenge: Attempt 6

The last attempt worked out well from a technical perspective, but there was a problem with the way I was rotating. I think players should be able to rotate however they want, but the way I picked was not effective from the standpoint of getting points. I had been rotating every 7 game days, so… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Attempt 6