Itharon, Round 7: Quad Manor

Andy’s aspiration was complete, so he needed a new one. I decided on Spellcraft & Sorcery, but before he can become a spellcaster, someone needs to maximize either Herbalism or Mixology. I’m going to have him maximize Herbalism. Janet did her best to raise her level in the Interior Decorator career. It was rough because… Continue reading Itharon, Round 7: Quad Manor

Itharon, Round 7: Midtown Meadows

Rishi and Sajan got potions of youth. Ekiya and Rishi also decided to Try For Baby. Ekiya completed the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration!

Itharon, Round 7: Fern Park

Desmond and Genevieve got a Potion of Youth. Marcus rolled Foodie, so I gave him the Freelance Botanist aspiration. He went shopping all over town for seeds. I decided this was a good time for Desmond and Genevieve to have another child, so I had them Try for Baby.

Itharon, Round 6 Additions: Factory One

Jameson Stark: Master Chef Concept Vegetarian Culinary Genius Career Chef (Culinary) Traits Foodie Loves the Outdoors Other Aspirations Fabulously Wealthy Gender Male Orientation Homosexual Style Ultra Sleek, Classic Naturals Favorite Colors Red, Orange Music Genre Retro, Romance Activities Baking, Cooking, Dancing, Gardening, Handiness, Mixology, Wellness Goals Short Term Level Gourmet Cooking to 10 to unlock… Continue reading Itharon, Round 6 Additions: Factory One