Lyria, Round 5: Sultry Springside

Alexander had completed all the aspiration goals for Self-Care Specialist except “Maintain Regular Customer”, which seems to be bugged based on my research, so I cheated the aspiration to complete it. This finishes the 3 Wellness aspirations, unlocking Spa lot tier 3. He takes Bodybuilder next. Alexander mastered the Fitness skill and completed the Bodybuilder… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Sultry Springside

Giovora: New World Setup

Giovora is going to be my new Urban Founder Challenge planet. I rolled a 3 for starting sims (ouch!), so I am prioritizing the things I want to enable first: Thermostats (Handiness or Perfectly Pristine) Townies (Throw Parties) Henford on Bagley (Gardening) Here are the sims I will be starting with: Lily Anne Joseph: Renaissance… Continue reading Giovora: New World Setup