Lyria, Round 7: Asphalt Abode

Josephine completed the Curator aspiration. She takes Fabulously Wealthy next.

Working together, Josephine, Timothy and Renee were able to complete the Space Prints collection. The Space Prints and the Microscope Prints were placed on a new Retail Lot, Quad Manor Science Prints, earning two Wildcards. These Wildcards go to unlock Evergreen Harbor and Del Sol Valley.

Renee completed the Aliens collection. I placed this collection at the Generic lot at Civic Cliffs to earn a Wildcard, which will be used to unlock tier 3 of the University Housing lot type.

Josephine got a Potion of Youth.

Josephine was promoted to the top of the Scientist career. Timothy was promoted to level 5 of the Engineer career.

Timothy completed the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration. He starts on Soulmate next.

Renee completed the Space Rocks collection, which will be placed at Galleria Pan Europa to earn a Wildcard, which in turn unlocks Community Space tier 3.

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