Lyria, Round 8: Tranquil Crescent

Isaac completed the Playtime Captain aspiration. He starts on Mind and Body next.

Brenna mastered the Charisma skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point.

Jacob mastered the Painting skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point.

Philip mastered the Programming skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point.

Isaac completed the Mind and Body aspiration. He starts on Slumber Party Animal next.

Philip aged up, taking the Academic aspiration and the Bro trait. He took Valedictorian.

Parker aged up, taking Academic aspiration and the Creative trait. He graduated with Honors.

The twins applied for college after their birthday. I should remember to do this better in the future.

Isaac completed the Slumber Party Animal aspiration. He takes Whiz Kid next.

Isaac completed the Whiz Kid aspiration. He starts on Artistic Prodigy next.

The twins enrolled in University; Parker enrolled in the University of Britechester, and Philip in Foxbury Institute.

Isaac completed the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. He starts on Social Butterfly next.

Isaac completed the Social Butterfly aspiration. He starts on Rambunctious Scamp next.

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