City Native

This is a Location Aspiration from the Sims 4 City Living Expansion Pack

Bonus Trait

This Bonus Trait takes effect if this is the Sim’s first aspiration.

Home Turf

These Sims become Happy when they are in their home neighborhood.

Reward Trait

This Reward Trait takes effect once the aspiration is complete.

In The Know

Sims with the In The Know trait get a massive discount on all market stall purchases.



  • Introduce Self to Someone New in 3 Different City Neighborhoods
  • Give an Apartment Key to a Friend
  • Order 3 Times from Food Stalls


  • Achieve Level 3 in the Singing Skill
  • Light Fireworks at the Humor and Hijinks Festival
  • Use a Bubble Blower

City Expert

  • Donate to a Protestor
  • Kiss Someone at the Romance Festival
  • Complete a Mural at the Arts Center

City Native

  • Master the Singing Skill
  • Win a Contest at GeekCon
  • Live in an Apartment worth $100,000