World-Famous Celebrity

This is a Popularity Aspiration from the Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion Pack

Bonus Trait

This Bonus Trait takes effect if this is the Sim’s first aspiration.


Gregarious Sims build friendly relationships faster.

Reward Trait

This Reward Trait takes effect once the aspiration is complete.

Unstoppable Fame

Sims with Unstoppable Fame are immortalized celebrities, incapable of experiencing fame decay over time. They’re so comfortable in the limelight they’ll never react poorly towards those pesky paparazzi. They also receive an extra Fame Perk point.


Aspiring Star

  • Become a 2 Star Celebrity
  • Purchase a Fame Perk


  • Become a 2 Star Celebrity
  • Visit a Celebrity Hot Spot
  • Host a Meet and Greet

Rising Star

  • Become a 4 Star Celebrity
  • Be Asked 3 Times for a Selfie
  • Deal with the Paparazzi 3 Times

World-Famous Celebrity

  • Become a 5 Star Celebrity
  • Receive 25 Positive Responses from Inciting Cheers
  • Sign 3 Autographs