Bubble Blower Flavor Emotions and Effects

Jade Dragon
  • Confident +1, 3hrs Majestic Notions Sparkling with confidence.
  • Confident +3, 4hrs Positively Regal King of the crowd!
  • Tense +2, 3 hours Overwhelmed It’s all too much! Sims name needs some space! (Action) Sim rubs tummy burps green gas, waves it away and is clearly nauseous.
The Fairy Fizz
  • Energized +1, 3 hrs. Sharp! Time to turn this up to 11! (Action) just normal inhaling and bubble blowing, no squeaky voice.
  • Embarrassed+2, 3 hrs. Pip-Squeak-y What an embarrassing squeak…
  • Playful +1, 3hrs Spritely It’s such a cute sound, who could resist. (Action) Sim floated as inhaling bubbles
Cosmic Encounter
  • Inspired +1, 3 hrs. Imaginative So Many Possibilities!
  • Inspired +3, 4hrs Luminous Sims name can’t sit still, there are too many ideas bouncing around! (Action) Sims will have a light blue glow around them a bit like the alien glow.
  • Asleep +100, 1hr Zonked It was so relaxing Sims Name fell right asleep. (Action) sims energy bar, if full, drops to half. Not sure what happens if it is low in the first place, probably drops to red
  • Asleep +10,000, Sleeping Soundly (From Napping) This one only seems to appear with this flavor, your sims simply inhales then goes to sleep sitting up.
Xanadu Sunset
  • Happy +1, 3 hrs Very Voluble Friends are always made through talking
  • Happy +3, 4hrs Loquacious It’s a great time to go talk with friendsSad+1, 3hrs Glum Sims Name thought this would be fun.
  • Sad +3, 3hrs Morose Who needs fun? Sims name is doing just fine without it.
Deepest Plum
  • Playful +2, 2hrs Resonant Listen to the sultry sound of sims names voice. (Action) sims voice sounds deeper than Grims!
  • Embarrassed +1, 2hrs Un-Imp-Ressive Does Sims Name really sound like that?
  • Embarrassed +2, 2 hrs. Rumbling Who could stand the grating sound of Sims name’s voice.
Golden Rush
  • Energized +1, 3 hrs. Keyed Up It’s time to get up and move!
  • Energized +3, 4hrs Going for Gold Sims name could go all night.
  • Uncomfortable +3, 2hrs. Bursting Sims Name is unable to sit still with that yellow liquid staring back. (Action)
Snow Flurry
  • Focused +2, 3hrs Crystallized Ruler of the Ice and Snow! (Action) Sim shivered and blew on his hands to get them warm
  • Uncomfortable +2, 3hrs Fr-Fr-Frigid Frozen to the core. (Action) My sim turned blue from cold and shivered a lot.
Passionfruit Potion
  • Angry +2, 3hrs Incensed! Angry? Is that Sims name’s angry face?! (Action) My sim turned red and exhaled fire.
  • Flirty +1, 3hrs Ardent How could anyone resist this?
  • Flirty +3, 4hrs Fairly Fervid (From using Bubble Blower) So erotic and delightful that Sims Name is practically on fire! (Action) sim moans and rubs tummy then belches fire.
source: Carl’s Sims 4 Guide: Forum Topic: Bubble Blower (by Playalot)