Flower Arrangement Effects

Skill Required to “Scent”Scent FlowerBlessing NameWhat it Does

SnowdropSeasons+2 Inspired Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select “Watch Wisps”.
3CrocusBee-FriendingCalms bee hives. Can be up to 6 full squares away.
4DaisyJoy+2 Happy Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select “Joy and Sunshine”. Has the same effect on a sim when given.
4BluebellTimelessnessKeeps the flower arrangement fresh longer or possibly permanently.
5RoseRomance+2 Flirty Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select “Fill with Passion”. Has the same effect when given as a gift.
5DahliaMourning+3 Sad Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select “Weep from Beauty”. Has the same effect when given as a gift.
6SnapdragonDisrespect+2 Angry Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select an option. Has the same effect when given as a gift.
6ChrysanthemumFriendship+2 Happy Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select an option. Has the same effect when given as a gift.
7TulipFaithful+2 Happy Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select an option.
7Christmas Rose (Rare Flower)SlumberFeel sleepy and zonk out for a while with temporarily full needs.
Requires you to click the arrangement and select “Feeling Drowsy”.
8Begonia (Rare Flower)Cursed+3 Dazed Emotion (24 hours)
When given as a gift.
8Bird of Paradise (Rare Flower)Magnificence+3 Sad Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select “Be Magnificent”. May have the same effect when given as a gift.
9Lily (Rare Flower)Creativity+2 Inspired Emotion
Requires you to click the arrangement and select “Creative Skill Inspiration”.
9Death Flower (Rare Flower)DeathAge up, even to death
When given as a gift
10Orchid (Rare Flower)LifeReduces a sim’s age
Requires you to click the arrangement and select “Inhale Life Essence”. May have the same effect when given as a gift.
source: Carl’s Sims 4 Guide: The Sims 4 Seasons Florists