Sims 4 Townie Achievement Challenge

Note: This Challenge is still being Playtested, so the rules may change over time.

Many challenges have you play exclusively with CAS sims, which are easy to min/max. How much can you achieve with the EA prebuilt Townies?

Tracking your score on this challenge is much easier and more fun with, a website that lets you track your challenges in a graphical interface, free.


  • Do not open any files with achievements before you load your new save file, or it will incorrectly count your previous achievements. Even then, keep track of them separately as the game will sometimes rob you of completed achievements.

    The corruption in the Achievements seems to happen when returning to the Main Menu and loading a different game from there. To avoid this, quit the game and start the new save rather than returning to the Main Menu.
  • Start with a new, default save file. Assign traits randomly, as you will be deleting this sim.
  • Any Season is Ok.
  • Move in your CAS sim to any lot temporarily.
  • If you have MCCC, buy a computer and use it to stop MCCC from changing the neighborhood:
    • Turn off all its features that move in NPCs:
      Click on Computer > MCCC > MC Population > Moving Settings
    • Set MC Pregnancy to use Neighborhood Stories Only for Pregnancy:
      Click on Computer > MCCC > MC Pregnancy > Neighborhood Stories > Only Use Neighborhood Stories
  • Delete your CAS sim, so the save has only EA-made Townies and generated sims.
  • Set Auto Age to “Only Active Household” for Played and uncheck aging for Unplayed Households. Set Lifespan to Normal.
  • Turn off Neighborhood Stories for Played and Unplayed Households. Do this both in Game Options/Gameplay and in the Neighborhood screen under Manage Households.
  • For scoring keep track of:
    • Unique Aspirations Completed
    • Unique Sims with a Completed Aspiration
    • Unique Achievement Points Earned
    • Days Played
  • Rotate play as you see fit. Rotating each 7 days is not recommended as you may find it too restrictive.


  • No CAS sims allowed. Townies, NPCs, and born-in-game Sims only.
  • No custom holidays.
  • No custom clubs. You may join existing clubs and purchase rewards as you see fit.
  • No changing lot traits (SNB – Bills is ok).
  • No changing aspirations until the previous aspiration is complete.
  • No changing jobs or quitting until the previous job is promoted to the highest level. A Sim who is fired must rejoin the same career or remain unemployed. A Sim who starts unemployed may get a job of their choosing, but then must complete that job to change jobs.
  • No life extension potions, including Potion of Youth, Rejuvenation Potion, Immortality Potion, and Potion of Prompt Resurrection
  • No one may move, except these Sims and their immediate family:
    • A Teen who has just become an Adult
    • A Sim who has just graduated from High School or is entering or leaving University. (Gaining a Mixology Certification counts)
    • A Sim who has just gotten married. For example, one Townie of a group of roommates may move out to a new house if she marries an NPC.
  • No editing Community Lots, except Sim Owned Businesses. A Maxis Curated Spa may be added.
  • Try to complete as many achievements and aspirations in one save game as possible.


Aspiration Points = Sims with a completed Aspiration * Unique Aspirations completed

Collection Points = Completed Collections * 50

Score = (Aspiration Points + Achievement Points + Collection Points) / Days Played

Round to the nearest integer.

Example Score

Achievement Points150
Sims with a Completed Aspiration3
Unique Aspirations Completed3
Completed Collections1
Days Played7
Score(9 + 150 + 50)/7 = 30


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    Townie Achievement Challenge: Angling Ace

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