Itharon, Round 7: Quad Manor

Andy’s aspiration was complete, so he needed a new one. I decided on Spellcraft & Sorcery, but before he can become a spellcaster, someone needs to maximize either Herbalism or Mixology. I’m going to have him maximize Herbalism. Janet did her best to raise her level in the Interior Decorator career. It was rough because… Continue reading Itharon, Round 7: Quad Manor

Itharon, Round 5: Quad Manor

Because of the Interior Decorator career, I figured out that I had missed some lots during my bulldozing, and went back and did a more thorough job. Glad I playtested! I evicted the residents and bulldozed them in both my playtesting save and my starter save. Andy also got to level 5 of his career,… Continue reading Itharon, Round 5: Quad Manor

Itharon, Round 4 Additions: Quad Manor

Andy Kerns: Computer Whiz Concept Computer Nerd Career Tech Guru Traits Geek Genius Foodie Other Aspirations Angling Ace Gender Trans Male Orientation Hetero Style All Black Favorite Colors Black Music Genre Focus, Electronica, World Activities Baking, Cooking, Programming, Video Gaming, Wellness Goals Short Term Complete the Computer Whiz aspiration to help unlock Karaoke Bars Tier… Continue reading Itharon, Round 4 Additions: Quad Manor