Zophim Legacy: Generation 2 Toddlerhood

Balfur completed the Appliance Wiz aspiration. He takes Market Magnate next. Balfur mastered the Mixology Skill, completing the requirements for one of the Food Points. I bought Circin the Connections and Entreprenurial traits. Cassiel made light work of her Toddler Skills. Balfur mastered the Charisma Skill. Balfur was forced to quit his job due to… Continue reading Zophim Legacy: Generation 2 Toddlerhood

Townie Achievement Challenge: Successful Lineage

For Successful Lineage, I am switching to Arnessa Thebe, living at Thebe Estate in Tartosa. Arnessa Thebe (Successful Lineage) is unemployed. Her son, Hector Laurent (Master Mixologist) is in the Athletic career, and so is blocked until he completes his current career. Hector’s wife, Hilary Laurent (Master Chef) is in the Culinary career. Their teen… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Successful Lineage