Lyria, Round 7: Asphalt Abode

Josephine completed the Curator aspiration. She takes Fabulously Wealthy next. Working together, Josephine, Timothy and Renee were able to complete the Space Prints collection. The Space Prints and the Microscope Prints were placed on a new Retail Lot, Quad Manor Science Prints, earning two Wildcards. These Wildcards go to unlock Evergreen Harbor and Del Sol… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Asphalt Abode

Lyria, Round 6: Asphalt Abode

Josephine completed the Microscope Prints collection. She’s holding on to it for now, so that together with the Telescope Prints collection, she can open a Science Prints shop. The wildcard point for it is therefore on hold. Timothy mastered the Painting skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point, and completed the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration Timothy mastered… Continue reading Lyria, Round 6: Asphalt Abode

Vesta, Round 4: Asphalt Abodes

Liliana started the week by throwing a Wedding, but I accidentally left the wedding before it finished. I had to marry her to Etsuko again by hand, this time without a party. Etsuko Kato: Master Mixologist Concept Adventurous Barkeep Career Mixologist (Culinary) Traits Other Aspirations Gender Female Orientation Pansexual Goals Short Term Long Term