Lyria, Round 5: Dresden House

Nathalie wanted to be a Galactic Privateer, but Infant Caleb can’t travel to Batuu yet, so I put her on Nerd Brain until Caleb hits Teenager, at which point the whole family will be able to participate. Nathalie mastered the Logic skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Octavia got a Potion of Youth. Caleb aged… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Dresden House

Lyria, Round 5: Granada Place

Jason completed the Soulmate aspiration. He starts on Successful Lineage next. Carlos aged up with the Wiggly trait. Jason got a Potion of Youth. Samaria got promoted to level 5 of the Boss career, unlocking Willow Creek.

Lyria, Round 5: Rippling Flats

Beau and Helena had babies while we were away; Lamont and Dawson McIntyre. Helena completed the Soulmate aspiration. She starts on Painter Extraordinaire next. Beau got promoted to the top of the Simfluencer career. Lamont aged up with the Cautious trait. Dawson aged up with the Calm trait. The twins worked on their skills.

Lyria, Round 5: Tranquil Crescent

Philip and Parker completed the Social Butterfly aspiration (their fourth). They starts on Creative Genius next, and can join Scouts. Isaac aged up to Infant, and got the Sunny trait. Philip aged up to Teen, took the Genius trait, and picked “Goal Oriented” as his aspiration. Parker also aged up, took the Bookworm trait, and… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Tranquil Crescent

Lyria, Round 4: Dresden House

Nathalie took the Interstellar Smuggler career, since it goes pretty well with wanting to be a Galactic Privateer. Octavia completed the Mansion Baron and Fabulously Wealthy aspirations. Nathalie did likewise. Octavia and Nathalie toured the world in pursuit of Octavia’s Soulmate aspiration. Octavia joined the Master of the Real branch of the Painter career. Octavia… Continue reading Lyria, Round 4: Dresden House