Itharon, Round 7: Midtown Meadows

Rishi and Sajan got potions of youth. Ekiya and Rishi also decided to Try For Baby. Ekiya completed the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration!

Itharon, Round 7: Fern Park

Desmond and Genevieve got a Potion of Youth. Marcus rolled Foodie, so I gave him the Freelance Botanist aspiration. He went shopping all over town for seeds. I decided this was a good time for Desmond and Genevieve to have another child, so I had them Try for Baby.

Itharon, Round 5: Midtown Meadows

Ekiya was nearing her birthday, so she got a Fountain of Youth potion. I have decided not to take him on to Angling Ace, as he is a Vegetarian and I think it conflicts with his personality to kill that many fish, even though he does have some fishing skill. Country Caretaker seems like a… Continue reading Itharon, Round 5: Midtown Meadows