Lyria, Round 8: The Summer Home

I started off by switching Glenn Yu off of Expert Nectar Maker, choosing Nerd Brain instead. Alissa aged up to Infant. She got the Sunny trait. Jocelyn mastered the Cooking Skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Glenn ran enough to become Active. Glenn mastered the Rocket Science Skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point.

Lyria, Round 7: The Summer Home

Jocelyn apparently got to level 10 of the Interior Decorator career while I was away. I decided that she and Glenn should focus more on their business, Proprietor’s Candles. Glenn got promoted to level 10 of the Green Technician career. Glenn completed the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration. He joins Jocelyn in the Mansion Baron aspiration next.… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: The Summer Home

Lyria, Round 5: The Summer Home

Jocelyn mastered the Painting skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Jocelyn completed the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration. She starts on Fabulously Wealthy next. Jocelyn mastered the Entrepreneurship skill. Glenn Yu left his job as a Green Technician to take a job as a Freelance Crafter. Jocelyn got promoted to level 5 of the Interior Decorator career.… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: The Summer Home

Lyria, Round 4: The Summer Home

Jocelyn worked on the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration. Jocelyn worked on the Interior Decorator career. Glenn joined the Green Technician branch of the Civil Designer career Glenn got to level 5 of the Green Technician career, unlocking tier 1 of the Community Space lot type.

Lyria, Round 3: New Residents for Windenburg

Glenn Yu: Master Maker Concept Furniture Enthusiast Career Green Technician (Civil Designer) Traits Other Aspirations Gender Male Orientation Pan Goals Short Term Long Term Jocelyn Neely: Painter Extraordinaire Concept Innovative Interior Decorator Career Interior Decorator Traits Other Aspirations Gender Female Orientation Straight Goals Short Term Long Term Adrian Wilhelm: Bestselling Author Concept Goth Author Career… Continue reading Lyria, Round 3: New Residents for Windenburg