Lyria, Round 8: Granada Place

Jason mastered the Handiness skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Samaria aged up to adult. Carlos completed the Whiz Kid aspiration. He starts on Mind & Body next. Carlos completed the Mind and Body aspiration. He starts on Playtime Captain next. Carlos completed the Playtime Captain aspiration. He starts on Creative Genius next. Carlos completed… Continue reading Lyria, Round 8: Granada Place

Lyria, Round 7: Granada Place

Carlos finished leveling his Toddler skills. Carlos aged up with Top Notch Toddler. He takes the Artistic Prodigy aspiration and the Creative trait. Carlos mastered the Creativity skill. Carlos completed the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. He takes Rambunctious Scamp next. Samaria moved in Melissa Sadler so she could kill her off. This completed the Public Enemy… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Granada Place

Lyria, Round 5: Granada Place

Jason completed the Soulmate aspiration. He starts on Successful Lineage next. Carlos aged up with the Wiggly trait. Jason got a Potion of Youth. Samaria got promoted to level 5 of the Boss career, unlocking Willow Creek.

Lyria, Round 4: Granada Place

Samaria asked Jason if she could move in with him, and he agreed. Samaria worked on her aspiration. Jason completed the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, earning a Resident Point. He starts focusing on Mansion Baron next. With Mansion Baron complete, Jason can start working on Fabulously Wealthy. Samaria picked up Mansion Baron, too. Jason completed the… Continue reading Lyria, Round 4: Granada Place

Lyria, Round 2: New Residents for Oasis Springs

Aspen Grant: Neighborhood Confidante Concept Tuned-In Social Media Expert Career Internet Personality (Social Media) Traits Other Aspirations Gender Female Orientation Hetero Goals Short Term Long Term Jason Hines: Mansion Baron Concept Art Collector Career Art Critic (Critic) Traits Other Aspirations Gender Male Orientation Pan Goals Short Term Long Term Alexander Hearn: Self-Care Specialist Concept Integrative… Continue reading Lyria, Round 2: New Residents for Oasis Springs