Lyria, Round 8: Asphalt Abode

Renee and Timothy toured the world on a sort of honeymoon, both working on the Soulmate aspiration. Timothy got a Potion of Youth. Renee took the Space Ranger branch of the Astronaut career. Renee completed the Soulmate aspiration. She takes Bestselling Author next. Timothy completed the Soulmate aspiration. He takes Nerd Brain next. The family… Continue reading Lyria, Round 8: Asphalt Abode

Lyria, Round 7: Asphalt Abode

Josephine completed the Curator aspiration. She takes Fabulously Wealthy next. Working together, Josephine, Timothy and Renee were able to complete the Space Prints collection. The Space Prints and the Microscope Prints were placed on a new Retail Lot, Quad Manor Science Prints, earning two Wildcards. These Wildcards go to unlock Evergreen Harbor and Del Sol… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Asphalt Abode

Lyria, Round 5: Asphalt Abode

Timothy mastered the Entrepreneurship skill. Josephine travelled to Sixam for the first time, completing the unlock of Aliens! This makes the third occult unlocked, so unlocks Werewolves as well. Timothy got promoted to level 3 of the Video Game Streamer career. This makes the last part time career for him, as Beau Darby is already… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Asphalt Abode