Lyria, Round 7: Coorinberg Cottage

Mark and Suzanne remodeled their house and Tried for Baby. Took a couple days, but they got it done. Suzanne mastered the Knitting skill. Suzanne reached the top of the Patron of the Arts career. Suzanne gave birth to twins, Veronica and Maya Archuleta. Maya and Veronica aged up to Infant. Maya got Sunny and… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Coorinberg Cottage

Lyria, Round 5: Coorinberg Cottage

Suzanne joined the Patron of the Arts branch of the Painter career. Mark joined the Professor branch of the Education career. Mark mastered the Gardening skill, unlocking Henford On Bagley. Mark completed the Freelance Botanist aspiration, earning a Resident Point. He starts on Country Caretaker next. Mark mastered the Research & Debate skill, unlocking University… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Coorinberg Cottage

Lyria, Round 3: New Residents for Windenburg

Glenn Yu: Master Maker Concept Furniture Enthusiast Career Green Technician (Civil Designer) Traits Other Aspirations Gender Male Orientation Pan Goals Short Term Long Term Jocelyn Neely: Painter Extraordinaire Concept Innovative Interior Decorator Career Interior Decorator Traits Other Aspirations Gender Female Orientation Straight Goals Short Term Long Term Adrian Wilhelm: Bestselling Author Concept Goth Author Career… Continue reading Lyria, Round 3: New Residents for Windenburg