Itharon, Round 5: Beech Byway

Servo Bot: Lady of the Knits Perfectly Pristine Concept Altruistic Android Career Environmental Management (Conservationist) Traits Gloomy Green Fiend Good Other Aspirations Order vs. Hope: Order Gender Female Orientation ??? Style Silver and Gray Favorite Colors Music Genre Activities Robotics Goals Short Term Complete the Perfectly Pristine aspiration to unlock thermostats Reach level 5 in… Continue reading Itharon, Round 5: Beech Byway

Itharon, Round 4: Midtown Meadows

Ekiya had apparently been promoted past level 5 in the Writing career, because in this round she got promoted to level 6. I went ahead and built a Tier 1 Library. Arjun maxed all his skills, so he’ll get the Top Notch Toddler trait when he ages up.

Itharon, Round 3: Fern Park

With her aspiration out of the way, Genevieve was ready to Try for Baby, which Desmond had been wanting. Desmond got a call from Ekiya saying she and Rishi are expecting as well. Later, he got another call from her asking whether they should try for baby. Are Rishi and Ekiya going to have two… Continue reading Itharon, Round 3: Fern Park

Moonbright Cove, Round 5: Waterlock Redoubt

Jamal completed both the Party Animal and Leader of the Pack aspirations. He started on Friend of the World. Maya completed the Mansion Baron aspiration and started on Soulmate. Between Maya’s Joker and Jamal’s many skills, they were able to unlock schools.