Lyria, Round 5: 17 Culpepper House

Jazlyn completed the Snow Globes collection. This collection will be placed at Old Salt House Thrift to earn a wildcard. This wildcard will go to unlocking Brindleton Bay. Jazlyn started wooing Aarav: Neat, Bookworm, and Self-Absorbed. Aarav must really like Jazlyn. In quick succession, he initiated: Be Best Friends, Be My Girlfriend, Let’s Move In… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: 17 Culpepper House

Lyria, Round 5: 2B Jasmine Suites

Tetsuya had StrangerVille Mystery as his aspiration, but StrangerVille isn’t unlocked yet, so I switched him to Perfectly Pristine. I’m going to try to get the game to swap out “Slob” for “Neat”. Aspen mastered the Dancing skill. It worked! Tetsuya swapped out Slob for Neat! Aspen mastered the Singing skill.

Lyria, Round 5: Sultry Springside

Alexander had completed all the aspiration goals for Self-Care Specialist except “Maintain Regular Customer”, which seems to be bugged based on my research, so I cheated the aspiration to complete it. This finishes the 3 Wellness aspirations, unlocking Spa lot tier 3. He takes Bodybuilder next. Alexander mastered the Fitness skill and completed the Bodybuilder… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Sultry Springside

Lyria, Round 5: Asphalt Abode

Timothy mastered the Entrepreneurship skill. Josephine travelled to Sixam for the first time, completing the unlock of Aliens! This makes the third occult unlocked, so unlocks Werewolves as well. Timothy got promoted to level 3 of the Video Game Streamer career. This makes the last part time career for him, as Beau Darby is already… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Asphalt Abode

Lyria, Round 5: Twin Oracle Point

Grace worked on her handiness so she could upgrade her Juice Fizzer. Grace mastered the Handiness skill. Angelina mastered the Logic skill, unlocking Child Calming Defender lights. On her first day in level 9 of the Mixologist skill, Grace got the special guide for the Snaggle Fluster drink! What luck!

Lyria, Round 4: Cottage Am See

Lilian mastered the Fishing skill, which finishes unlocking Mermaids, and Sulani with them. Lilian then completed the Angling Ace aspiration. She starts on Beach Life next, and the Household will be moving to Sulani. Ella adopted a second dog, Shelby. Lilian got promoted to level 5 of the Marine Biologist career, unlocking Beach lot tier… Continue reading Lyria, Round 4: Cottage Am See

Lyria, Round 4: The Shrieking Llama

Adrian mastered the Writing skill. Gian entered the Musician branch of the Entertainer career, hitting level 5 and unlocking the Nightclub lot tier 1. Gian mastered the Pipe Organ skill, helping to unlock Vampires. Gian mastered the Guitar skill, unlocking Nightclub lot tier 2. Gian completed the Musical Genius aspiration, unlocking Nightclub tier 3. He… Continue reading Lyria, Round 4: The Shrieking Llama