Lyria, Round 7: Asphalt Abode

Josephine completed the Curator aspiration. She takes Fabulously Wealthy next. Working together, Josephine, Timothy and Renee were able to complete the Space Prints collection. The Space Prints and the Microscope Prints were placed on a new Retail Lot, Quad Manor Science Prints, earning two Wildcards. These Wildcards go to unlock Evergreen Harbor and Del Sol… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Asphalt Abode

Lyria, Round 7: Twin Oracle Point

I decided to get Angelina and Grace a Dr. June’s Weather Control Device, since Grace has level 10 Handiness. This will let them go on vacation during summer. Angelina completed the Insects collection. Angelina mastered the Herbalism skill, unlocking tier 2 of the National Park lot type. At the same time, she completed the Outdoor… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Twin Oracle Point

Itharon, Round 5: Midtown Meadows

Ekiya was nearing her birthday, so she got a Fountain of Youth potion. I have decided not to take him on to Angling Ace, as he is a Vegetarian and I think it conflicts with his personality to kill that many fish, even though he does have some fishing skill. Country Caretaker seems like a… Continue reading Itharon, Round 5: Midtown Meadows