Townie Achievement Challenge: Soulmate

Gavin Richards has the Soulmate aspiration, which is the next Base Game aspiration on the list. Time to send him on a hunt for a spouse. Zoe Patel had a third Gold-level Date and completed the Serial Romantic aspiration. Nice, that would have been next anyway. She takes Self-Care Specialist next. Really, I’m just going… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Soulmate

Townie Achievement Challenge: Computer Whiz

The next Base Game aspiration in the menu is Computer Whiz; there are a few choices for this, but J Huntington III has already started on it. I used Social Bunny to power-level Zoe’s friendship with Mitchell. This is my favorite new trick. Now they could become best friends. A little Social Bunny spamming later,… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Computer Whiz

Townie Achievement Challenge: Bestselling Author

Gavin Richards has already started on Bestselling Author, so I’ll be jumping back to him in the Roomies household at Cacti Casa to get that finished. J worked so hard on his computer skills, he became a Geek. Gavin kept his mood on Inspired, and wrote and published tons of books. Gavin purchased the Creative… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Bestselling Author

Townie Achievement Challenge: Bodybuilder Aspiration

I’m starting the Townie Achievement Challenge a different way this time: I’m going to focus on one Sim, one Aspiration at a time. I’ll do my best with the other members of each household, but the goal will be on the one focus Sim. I will stay with that sim until the aspiration is complete.… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Bodybuilder Aspiration

TAC5: Zest Household @ Slipshod Mesquite

Proceeding counter-clockwise, the Zest Household at Slipshod Mesquite. Johnny Zest’s aspiration is to be a Joke Star, and he is in the Entertainer career. Johnny worked hard on his career and aspiration. Unfortunately, he didn’t get far enough in his career just yet to complete the Joke Star aspiration. My score decreased even more this… Continue reading TAC5: Zest Household @ Slipshod Mesquite

TAC5: Roomies Household @ Cacti Casa

Next on our list is the Roomies household, who reside at Cacti Casa in Oasis Springs. Zoe Patel wants to be a Friend of the World, and is unemployed. Mitchell Kalani, frustratingly enough, wants to be a Joke Star and works in the Culinary career, meaning that his aspiration will soon be blocked. J Huntington… Continue reading TAC5: Roomies Household @ Cacti Casa

TAC5: Caliente Household @ Sultry Springside

The first household in Oasis Springs is the Caliente household. Katrina Caliente is an Entertainer who wants to find her Soulmate, and meanwhile her unemployed (alleged) boyfriend Don Lothario wants to be a Serial Romantic. Her daughter Dina is in the Culinary career and wants to be Fabulously Wealthy, while Nina is unemployed and wants… Continue reading TAC5: Caliente Household @ Sultry Springside

Lyria, Round 8: Granada Place

Jason mastered the Handiness skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Samaria aged up to adult. Carlos completed the Whiz Kid aspiration. He starts on Mind & Body next. Carlos completed the Mind and Body aspiration. He starts on Playtime Captain next. Carlos completed the Playtime Captain aspiration. He starts on Creative Genius next. Carlos completed… Continue reading Lyria, Round 8: Granada Place

Lyria, Round 7: Granada Place

Carlos finished leveling his Toddler skills. Carlos aged up with Top Notch Toddler. He takes the Artistic Prodigy aspiration and the Creative trait. Carlos mastered the Creativity skill. Carlos completed the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. He takes Rambunctious Scamp next. Samaria moved in Melissa Sadler so she could kill her off. This completed the Public Enemy… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Granada Place