Lyria, Round 7: Rio Verde

Scott and Margaret went on lots of dates and threw lots of parties, travelling the world. Margaret mastered the Charisma skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Scott also mastered the Charisma skill, earning another Lot Reuse Point. Margaret completed the Soulmate aspiration. She takes Fabulously Wealthy next. Margaret and Scott tried for a baby and… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Rio Verde

Lyria, Round 6: Rio Verde

Margaret mastered the Flower Arranging skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Margaret mastered the Dancing skill. Margaret opened a new Retail Lot, Arid Ridge Floral. Margaret reached the top of the Floral Designer career, permanently unlocking Tartosa. Margaret completed the Freelance Botanist aspiration. She takes Soulmate next.

Lyria, Round 5: Rio Verde

Margaret Beal was in a rush to earn some aspiration points because I accidentally spent hers, right before her birthday! She worked and worked on her aspiration. She made it just in time, and took a Potion of Youth. Margaret completed the Serial Romantic aspiration, and takes Freelance Botanist next.