Lyria, Round 8: The Summer Home

I started off by switching Glenn Yu off of Expert Nectar Maker, choosing Nerd Brain instead. Alissa aged up to Infant. She got the Sunny trait. Jocelyn mastered the Cooking Skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Glenn ran enough to become Active. Glenn mastered the Rocket Science Skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point.

Townie Achievement Challenge: Renaissance Sim

The next uncompleted Base Game aspiration in the menu is Renaissance Sim. Greta Laurent could work on it, but I’m getting a little tired of that family so I will be going back to the Goth Household at Ophelia Villa in Willow Creek. To get further in his Renaissance Sim aspiration, Mortimer Goth will need… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Renaissance Sim