Lyria, Round 7: Rustic Residence

Diane took the Villain branch of the Secret Agent career. Diane mastered the Fitness skill. Diane completed the Bodybuilder aspiration. She takes Soulmate next. Diane started wooing Juliane Byrd. Diane and Juliane got married. She is a Bookworm, a Snob, and a Foodie.

Lyria, Round 5: Rustic Residence

When the game loaded up, Diane had mastered the Mischief skill (unlocking University Housing lot tier 2) and completed the Chief of Mischief aspiration. She starts on Angling Ace next. Renee mastered the Logic skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Renee completed the Nerd Brain aspiration. She starts on Soulmate next. Diane mastered the Fishing… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Rustic Residence