Lyria, Round 7: Tranquil Crescent

Isaac finished leveling his toddler skills. Isaac aged up with Top-Notch Toddler and I gave him the Cheerful trait and the Creative Genius aspiration. I didn’t notice, but Jacob was promoted to level 10 of the Politician career while I was away. Brenna held a gold-level Dinner Party. Brenna mastered the Dancing skill. Brenna threw… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Tranquil Crescent

Lyria, Round 6: Lagoon Look

Lilian and Ella threw a Gold level Kava party. Lilian completed the Beach Life aspiration, unlocking Beach lot tier 3. She starts on Painter Extraordinaire next. Lilian and Ella got Potions of Youth. Lilian mastered the Logic skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Ella completed the Friend of the Animals aspiration, earning a Resident Point.… Continue reading Lyria, Round 6: Lagoon Look

Lyria, Round 6: 2B Jasmine Suites

Aspen mastered the Video Gaming skill in preparation for the Geek Con, unlocking tier 2 of the Thrift Shop lot type. Aspen completed the Ultimate Gaming Test for her aspiration. Tetsuya got promoted to level 5 of the Environmental Manager career. Aspen got promoted to the top of the Internet Personality career, permanently unlocking San… Continue reading Lyria, Round 6: 2B Jasmine Suites

Lyria, Round 6: Rio Verde

Margaret mastered the Flower Arranging skill, earning a Lot Reuse Point. Margaret mastered the Dancing skill. Margaret opened a new Retail Lot, Arid Ridge Floral. Margaret reached the top of the Floral Designer career, permanently unlocking Tartosa. Margaret completed the Freelance Botanist aspiration. She takes Soulmate next.

Lyria, Round 5: Asphalt Abode

Timothy mastered the Entrepreneurship skill. Josephine travelled to Sixam for the first time, completing the unlock of Aliens! This makes the third occult unlocked, so unlocks Werewolves as well. Timothy got promoted to level 3 of the Video Game Streamer career. This makes the last part time career for him, as Beau Darby is already… Continue reading Lyria, Round 5: Asphalt Abode

Lyria, Round 5: Rippling Flats

Beau and Helena had babies while we were away; Lamont and Dawson McIntyre. Helena completed the Soulmate aspiration. She starts on Painter Extraordinaire next. Beau got promoted to the top of the Simfluencer career. Lamont aged up with the Cautious trait. Dawson aged up with the Calm trait. The twins worked on their skills.