Lyria, Round 7: Twin Oracle Point

I decided to get Angelina and Grace a Dr. June’s Weather Control Device, since Grace has level 10 Handiness. This will let them go on vacation during summer. Angelina completed the Insects collection. Angelina mastered the Herbalism skill, unlocking tier 2 of the National Park lot type. At the same time, she completed the Outdoor… Continue reading Lyria, Round 7: Twin Oracle Point

Lyria, Round 5: Twin Oracle Point

Grace worked on her handiness so she could upgrade her Juice Fizzer. Grace mastered the Handiness skill. Angelina mastered the Logic skill, unlocking Child Calming Defender lights. On her first day in level 9 of the Mixologist skill, Grace got the special guide for the Snaggle Fluster drink! What luck!