Tag: wedding
Vesta, Round 6: Quad Manor
Vesta, Round 5: 1310 21 Chic Street (Moving to Via Romanza)
Vesta, Round 5: The Narwhal Arms
Vesta, Round 5: Nookstone
Vesta, Round 4: Pebble Burrow
Monica got the marry-for-money call, so I bought her Observant and sent her out to find a mate. I had them Try for Baby right away, and Monica got pregnant.
Vesta, Round 4: Asphalt Abodes
Liliana started the week by throwing a Wedding, but I accidentally left the wedding before it finished. I had to marry her to Etsuko again by hand, this time without a party. Etsuko Kato: Master Mixologist Concept Adventurous Barkeep Career Mixologist (Culinary) Traits Other Aspirations Gender Female Orientation Pansexual Goals Short Term Long Term
Vesta, Round 3: Avarice Acres
Jae got the call to marry for money, so he started looking for a potential mate.
Vesta, Round 2: Twin Oracle Point
Kyle got the call to get married for money. He tried wooing Patchy, but he turned out to be noncommittal, which I don’t want to mess with.
Itharon, Round 9: 4 Olde Mill Lane
I had Ryder Mace quit the Acting career, because it’s a pain to do and I want Anthea Lykaios to do it. I put him on Charity Organizer instead. Ariel Rossi: Inner Peace Concept Wellness Dude Career Stylist Traits Bro Childish Materialistic Other Aspirations Friend of the World Gender Male Orientation Hetero Style Dude Bro… Continue reading Itharon, Round 9: 4 Olde Mill Lane