Townie Achievement Challenge: Angling Ace

The next Base Game aspiration on the list is Angling Ace, so I am circling back around to the Goth family, who will be travelling to Selvadorada. For their adventuring, the Goths have a bit of a head start because I prepared them as I was doing other things. Alexander has max Fishing for his… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Angling Ace

Townie Achievement Challenge: Renaissance Sim

The next uncompleted Base Game aspiration in the menu is Renaissance Sim. Greta Laurent could work on it, but I’m getting a little tired of that family so I will be going back to the Goth Household at Ophelia Villa in Willow Creek. To get further in his Renaissance Sim aspiration, Mortimer Goth will need… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Renaissance Sim

Townie Achievement Challenge: Big Happy Family

Vivian Lewis has the Big Happy Family aspiration, so I will be going back to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek. Vivian has done everything she needs to do for her aspiration, except have 4 grandchildren. To accomplish that, I’m going to need to move Eric, Alice, and Olivia to a new lot. The way to… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Big Happy Family

Townie Achievement Challenge: Musical Genius

The next base game aspiration on the list is Musical Genius. For this, I will be playing Cassandra Goth in the Goth Household at Ophelia Villa. This is a long aspiration because Licensing Songs is slow, so I will try to complete as many of the other Sims’ achievements as I can in that time.… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Musical Genius

Townie Achievement Challenge: Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration

The next aspiration I will focus on is Painter Extraordinaire. Alice Spencer-Kim will be my target Sim this time around, though I will try to complete Eric Lewis and Olivia Spencer-Kim’s aspirations as well, while I am there. Those are both pretty straightforward. Alice Spencer-Kim is an unemployed aspiring Painter Extraordinaire. No one in the… Continue reading Townie Achievement Challenge: Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration

TAC5: Goth Household @ Ophelia Villa

Next up is the Goth household at Ophelia Villa. This is the last household in Willow Creek. Mortimer wants to be a Renaissance Sim, and is a Writer. Bella wants to be a Party Animal, and is a Secret Agent. Cassandra is a High School Student who wants to be a Musical Genius, and her… Continue reading TAC5: Goth Household @ Ophelia Villa

TAC5: Pancakes Household @ Pique Hearth

Proceeding counter clockwise, the next family is the Pancakes household, residing at Pique Hearth. Bob pancakes is an aspiring Master Chef, and Eliza Pancakes wants to be a Mansion Baron. Bob already has a job in the Culinary career, but Eliza is unemployed. I’m going to leave her unemployed to have her focus on Painting… Continue reading TAC5: Pancakes Household @ Pique Hearth

TAC5: Spencer-Kim-Lewis @ Cypress Terrace

Starting again with the Spencer-Kim-Lewis household. This time I will not get a job for Alice Spencer-Kim, because she can complete her aspiration better without one. Once she gets going on her Painting skill, she’ll be better able to provide funds if she focuses on painting rather than working. The rest of the family will… Continue reading TAC5: Spencer-Kim-Lewis @ Cypress Terrace

Lyria, Round 8: Daisy Hovel

I am rearranging the order of the households after this point, to go in the order on the neighborhoods screen. I am starting, then, with Willow Creek. Lionel and Valentina worked on their toddler skills. The toddlers finished leveling their toddler skills. Lionel and Valentina aged up with the Top-Notch Toddler trait. Valentina got Cheerful,… Continue reading Lyria, Round 8: Daisy Hovel