Lyria, Round 4: The Summer Home

Jocelyn worked on the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration. Jocelyn worked on the Interior Decorator career. Glenn joined the Green Technician branch of the Civil Designer career Glenn got to level 5 of the Green Technician career, unlocking tier 1 of the Community Space lot type.

Lyria, Round 4: Dresden House

Nathalie took the Interstellar Smuggler career, since it goes pretty well with wanting to be a Galactic Privateer. Octavia completed the Mansion Baron and Fabulously Wealthy aspirations. Nathalie did likewise. Octavia and Nathalie toured the world in pursuit of Octavia’s Soulmate aspiration. Octavia joined the Master of the Real branch of the Painter career. Octavia… Continue reading Lyria, Round 4: Dresden House

Lyria, Round 3: New Residents for Windenburg

Glenn Yu: Master Maker Concept Furniture Enthusiast Career Green Technician (Civil Designer) Traits Other Aspirations Gender Male Orientation Pan Goals Short Term Long Term Jocelyn Neely: Painter Extraordinaire Concept Innovative Interior Decorator Career Interior Decorator Traits Other Aspirations Gender Female Orientation Straight Goals Short Term Long Term Adrian Wilhelm: Bestselling Author Concept Goth Author Career… Continue reading Lyria, Round 3: New Residents for Windenburg