Townie Achievement Challenge: Bodybuilder Aspiration

I’m starting the Townie Achievement Challenge a different way this time: I’m going to focus on one Sim, one Aspiration at a time. I’ll do my best with the other members of each household, but the goal will be on the one focus Sim. I will stay with that sim until the aspiration is complete.

I am going to start with the Base Game aspirations, in menu order. The first aspiration is therefore Bodybuilder, and so I will start with J Huntington III, who lives in the Roomies household at Cacti Casa.

J Huntington III has the Bodybuilder aspiration, and is a Tech Guru. His traits are Bro, Active, and Noncommittal, with High Metabolism because of his aspiration. His being Active should help with his aspiration.

I took him to Skye Fitness and had him work out all day. His roommates all spent the day there with him, working on their own careers and aspirations. I took him home and bought him a weight bench, and made a few other upgrades to the house.

Mitchell started a fire while trying to make breakfast, stressing everyone out.

Mitchell spent so much time exercising to work out the stress from his work, he turned from Lazy to Active. Gavin Richards soon became Active from working out his stress, as well.

J must start pretty close to maxed out on his body potential, because he was already there by the time I got to step 4 of the Bodybuilder aspiration. Normally I have to do a lot of weight training or Taste of Diet frozen yogurt to get them there.

J completed the Introvert achievement for 25 points.

He also completed the All Nighter achievement for 25 points.

Zoe Patel worked so hard on making friends, she became Outgoing. Gavin sold so many books, he became Self Assured.

I’m not sure I’d ever noticed this achievement before: What Makes a Sim Turn Neutral? for 25 points. I think it was Gavin Richards, but I’m not 100% sure.

I built J a wall of crystals for his exercise atrium, to try to keep him as Energized as possible.

Zoe joined in the exercise habit and became Active herself.

J exercised like mad, even skipping work and taking potions to stay awake.

J mastered the Fitness Skill, earning the Fired Up achievement for 50 points. At the same time, he completed the Bodybuilder aspiration. He takes the Computer Whiz aspiration next.

Achievement Points125
Sims with a Completed Aspiration1
Unique Aspirations Completed1
Days Played8
Score(1*1+125)/8 = 16

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