Townie Achievement Challenge: Chief of Mischief & Villainous Valentine

The next Base Game aspiration we come to in the menu is Chief of Mischief. The first Sim who fits the bill is Darling Walsh, living in the Karaoke Legends household at 701 ZenView in San Myshuno.

Darling Walsh (Chief of Mischief) is a High School Student. She has two roomies: Akira Kibo (Curator) is a Tech Guru, and Miko Ojo (Serial Romantic) is a Politician.

Finding non-ace Sims is hard these days; Miko had to resort to flirting with a living statue. He soon became her boyfriend.

Prank Day was the perfect opportunity for Darling to practice her pranking.

The hardest thing about Chief of Mischief is just getting that Mischief Skill up. Staying Playful helps.

Darling was offered Early Graduation, and chose to take it, to focus on being a hoodlum.

As soon as Darling was accepted, he enrolled in a Distinguished Degree at Foxbury Institute and moved to University Housing: Maritime Manner. She took a third of the household Simoleons with her.

Darling wanted to focus on school, but the Humor and Hijinks festival came on her first night at Uni. She just had to go. When she arrived, I got the “Knock, Knock” achievement for visiting 25 lots: 50 points.

The Pranksters won, and Darling got a big chunk of Mischief Skill from all the Pranking.

She mastered the Mischief Skill, earning the Problem Child (25 points) and Mischief Mastered (50 points) achievements and completing the Chief of Mischief aspiration. She takes Villainous Valentine next. I am going to try to play out her Unflirty Trait when she gets to be an adult.

Score so far:

Achievement Points610
Sims with a Completed Aspiration11
Unique Aspirations Completed11
Days Played58
Score(11*11+610)/58 = 13

I will continue to play her, as Villainous Valentine is next on my list.

She can’t join eSports Competitor till she ages up, so I’m having her take up the Video Game Streamer side hustle. Villainous Valentine also proved to be pretty hard while she’s a teen, so I just focused on Uni till she aged up.

She did manage to put the moves on Wolfgang, awkwardly.

I completed the “In The Game” achievement — 24 hours played — for 50 points.

She finally aged up to Adult, so I can really get her started on her aspiration.

Darling hit it off with Onyx Lee.

My scheme worked! She flirted with so many people while trying to complete the aspirational goals for Villainous Valentine, she became Romantic!

Darling reached the top of the Video Game Streamer side hustle, so was eligible to quit in favor of the eSports Competitor Activity.

Darling finally started with those breakups.

Darling graduated (forgot pics), and I moved her to a small lot in Newcrest at Comfy Cubby. I got her a job as a Villain, and using the signing bonus and proceeds from the career rewards, built her a tiny house.

Darling started making relationships just to break them. Eventually she got through all 5.

I took some time between Darling’s work days to make a bunch of Sims have relationships I don’t care about, because I don’t want Darling breaking up all the pre-made relationships. I had to fix the Gender Preference for a lot of random Sims, because of the bug where most random Sims have no Gender Preference.

Darling mastered the Logic Skill, earning the “Elementary” achievement for 50 points.

Darling reached the top of the Villain career, earning the I, Spy achievement for 50 points.

Darling worked so hard on her relationships, she became Outgoing.

Darling had a really hard time convincing Zoe Patel to leave her boyfriend. Making Zoe be mean to her boyfriend and then asking her to be Darling’s girlfriend seemed to help.

While I was trying to reduce J Huntington III’s new relationship so Darling could break it up, J got abducted by aliens.

Finally, Darling completed the Villainous Valentine aspiration. He starts on Computer Whiz next. I am staying with her a little longer to try to get her to level 11 of the Secret Agent career.

Darling mastered the Fitness Skill, but this got no achievement points because it wasn’t a first.

Darling mastered the Video Gaming Skill, earning the “Games Within Games” achievement, for 50 points. She became a Perfectionist at the same time. I bought her the Entreprenurial trait.

Darling got to level 11 of the Villain career, so now she can switch to Tech Guru. I bought her the Connections trait first, so that she would start at a higher level.

Surprisingly, my score stayed the same for the rest of this turn, even though a lot of time went by and it was pretty chaotic.

Achievement Points810
Sims with a Completed Aspiration11
Unique Aspirations Completed12
Days Played75
Score(11*12+810)/75 = 13

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