Townie Achievement Challenge: Musical Genius

The next base game aspiration on the list is Musical Genius. For this, I will be playing Cassandra Goth in the Goth Household at Ophelia Villa. This is a long aspiration because Licensing Songs is slow, so I will try to complete as many of the other Sims’ achievements as I can in that time.

Cassandra Goth is a budding Musical Genius and a student in High School. Her father, Mortimer Goth, is a Writer and wants to be a Renaissance Sim. Her mother, Bella Goth, is a Secret Agent and wants to be a Party Animal. Her brother, Alexander Goth, is an Elementary School Student who wants to be a Whiz Kid.

I made some upgrades to the house: party supplies for Bella, upgrades to the bathrooms, and a stereo in the living room.

The family had a great Winterfest.

Mortimer had an Early Midlife Crisis.

Cassandra played and played, when she wasn’t in school.

It snowed heavily all Winter, except when Bella chased the snow away with her weather machine. When Spring finally arrived, it was much easier for her to make friends, because people were no longer struggling just to get around.

Alexander mastered the Mental Skill just as Cassandra was heading to school.

Cassandra was in serious danger from her embarrassment — she was Mortified! I feel like that’s pretty realistic for High School. I had her go to bed as soon as she got home, so it wouldn’t be so dangerous.

Alexander completed the Whiz Kid aspiration. He takes Rambunctious Scamp next.

Mortimer’s Midlife Crisis drove him to buy a Coffin.

Alexander mastered the Motor skill.

I had a really hard time earning a high score on the Typing game, maybe because he Disliked Video Games. I changed the Dislike, as I don’t think it comes stock with the character and so is optional. Right? He completed the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration right away. He starts on Social Butterfly next.

Unfortunately, I realized during this turn that I have aging disabled in Gameplay settings. I had to fix all the Sims that I had played by adding the number of days I had played them using MCCC. Luckily I kept track. The only person who was close to aging up was Alexander, and he was just barely equal to his birthday.

I aged Alexander up with a Birthday Cake. I chose Nerd Brain for his aspiration and Genius for his second trait, because of his personality. At the same time, he completed the Older & Wiser achievement for 10 points.

Mortimer got promoted enough to join the Journalist branch of the Writer career.

Cassandra and Alexander had a Gold-level Prom.

I completed the “Host with the Most” achievement, for 100 points!

I purchased the Marketable trait for Cassandra, to help her when it comes time to license her songs.

I took a little while to have Cassandra complete her Scouting activity, in order to get that Scouting Aptitude skill boost going for her.

Alexander soon followed with his Scouting finished.

Cassandra mastered the Piano Skill, earning the Ivory Tower achievement, for 50 points.

Cassandra aged to to Young Adult. She took the Music Lover trait to go along with her aspiration. She graduated With Honors. She also got Responsible and Good Manners.

Cassandra finally finished her fourth Write Song.

Mortimer sold enough books to become an Overachiever.

Cassandra finally passed the $500 Simoleon mark from Licensed Songs. Phew!

The rest of the goals were already achieved, except to Mentor a Others in Music. She started teaching Bella how to play the piano, and that last goal was quickly completed. Finally! She takes Academic next. She will attend from home, as I missed the opportunity to move out when she became an adult.

My score went down a bit, but I kind of expected it since Musical Genius is such a slow one.

Achievement Points460
Sims with a Completed Aspiration8
Unique Aspirations Completed9
Days Played47
Score(8*9+460)/47 = 11

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