Townie Achievement Challenge: Soulmate

Gavin Richards has the Soulmate aspiration, which is the next Base Game aspiration on the list. Time to send him on a hunt for a spouse.

Zoe Patel had a third Gold-level Date and completed the Serial Romantic aspiration. Nice, that would have been next anyway. She takes Self-Care Specialist next. Really, I’m just going to have her focus on Guitar Skill.

I had J Huntington III join the Powerhouse club, for his aspiration.

Gavin started wooing Cassandra Goth. He used Social Bunny to power through the boring parts, and then once the dating started slowed down and socialized manually.

Gavin proposed, and the couple eloped immediately. Gavin moved in with Cassandra in Glimmerbrook.

Gavin and Cassandra travelled the world, being romantic with each other.

Cassandra took a moment to become a Spellcaster and learn a few spells.

Gavin and Cassandra finished the required number of dates, meaning the last goal left was those 50 romantic gestures.

Quite easily done. Gavin completed the Soulmate aspiration, and starts on Super Parent next.

No change in the score for this round.

Achievement Points2105
Sims with a Completed Aspiration22
Unique Aspirations Completed35
Collections Completed1
Days Played187
Score(22*35+2105+50)/187 = 16

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