Townie Achievement Challenge: Successful Lineage

For Successful Lineage, I am switching to Arnessa Thebe, living at Thebe Estate in Tartosa.

Arnessa Thebe (Successful Lineage) is unemployed. Her son, Hector Laurent (Master Mixologist) is in the Athletic career, and so is blocked until he completes his current career. Hector’s wife, Hilary Laurent (Master Chef) is in the Culinary career. Their teen daughter, Greta Laurent, is an aspiring Freelance Botanist. Their child, Jace Laurent, is an aspiring Social Butterfly.

I made a few upgrades to the house: showers in all the bathrooms and a greenhouse for Greta.

To get started with her garden, I had Greta swipe a day’s harvest from Dennis Kim’s greenhouse. She followed that up with trips to the garden and grocery stands and the Flower stand.

I had Jace join Scouts.

Hector exercised enough to become Active.

Jace mastered the Social Skill.

Bills came in on Monday at $16,164, and the household had only $6,884. Short on time, I sold a bunch of furniture I didn’t think they needed, sold all the garden items, and downgraded their computer.

A Dinner Party helped Hilary with her aspiration, and gave everyone a big boost of Charisma.

Arnessa then threw a Gold level Incognito Party, earning the family a big chunk of money from the rewards. Everyone got a nice chunk of Charisma, too. Hector needed it, for his career as an Athlete.

At this point I realized that Arnessa needs to be the mother of a child, to go through High School. I tried a few different scenarios to get her to adopt Greta, but it just didn’t recognize the goal as completed.

My next hope was to have her adopt Jace, but I couldn’t tell if it was going to recognize him as her child or not, so I backed out of that save and had her adopt a child of her own: Marylin Thebe (Playtime Captain). Marylin joined Scouts.

Hilary mastered the Cooking Skill, earning the Perfectionist trait. At the same time, she completed the Tungsten Chef achievement for 50 points.

Greta jumped at the chance for Early Graduation.

Greta completed the “Splice of Life” achievement for 25 points.

Arnessa leveled her Handiness Skill, upgrading things throughout the house. There’s no aspiration that requires it, so she’s as convenient as anyone else.

Once Greta’s Cowplant was registered by the game, I put it in the Household Inventory. I hate those things.

Jace completed the Social Butterfly aspiration. He takes Mind and Body next.

I didn’t notice at first, but Marilyn completed the Playtime Captain aspiration. She takes Whiz Kid next.

Hilary Laurent made it to the Chef branch of the Culinary career.

Arnessa was almost at her end of life, and her goals still weren’t complete. I decided I would have to add her to the household as a ghost. I was not ready to start this aspiration again with a different Sim, as it’s a long one.

Hilary mastered the Gourmet Cooking Skill. Neat, but not especially exciting as the achievement for it was already earned by Vivian Lewis. I did it so she could make Ambrosia.

Jace learned to ride his bike, meaning the last goal remaining for his aspiration is to go 12 hours without a negative need moodlet.

Greta finished the last little bit of Gardening Skill by talking to Patchy. At the same time, she completed the “Green Thumb” achievement, for 50 points, and completed the Freelance Botanist aspiration. She takes Market Magnate next.

Greta purchased some Death Flowers at the Potion Ingredients stall in the Magic Realm. She managed to catch the first Angelfish she will need just as Jace was completing his Mind and Body aspiration. He takes Whiz Kid next, though he won’t have time to complete it.

Marilyn mastered the Mental Skill. Greta caught some more Angelfish, so the household has almost everything they need to make Ambrosia. I will wait to make it till it’s needed, though.

Marilyn completed the Whiz Kid aspiration. She takes Artistic Prodigy next.

Jace aged up to Teen. I gave him the Admired Icon aspiration and the Self Assured trait.

Arnessa died without completing her aspiration. Perfect reason to haunt a place, right?

Arnessa joined the household as a ghost, in order to see her adopted daughter grow up. Marilyn and Arnessa thus completed the “Ghostly” achievement for 25 points.

Arnessa completed the “Beyond Repairs” achievement by mastering the Handiness skill.

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Since I had a max-handiness Sim, I took a moment to break open both of the doors to the Forgotten Grotto.

Hector pushed hard on his career, so he can switch once he reaches the top.

Arnessa started leveling her Flower Arranging Skill, mostly for Bee-Friending arrangements. I’ll have her continue past level 3 though, just to keep her occupied and use up some of those flowers. Someone’s got to level it for the achievement, right?

Arnessa earned the “No Excuse” achievement. Yay?

Marilyn aged up to Teen, and I gave her the Expert Nectar Maker aspiration and the Foodie trait. She earned the High Self-Esteem trait.

Greta aged up to Young Adult, keeping the Market Magnate aspiration and taking Foodie as her third trait. She also earned the Responsible trait.

Jace reached the top of the Scouting Activity, earning the Scouting Aptitude trait.

I bought Hilary the Stoves and Grills Master trait.

Hector mastered the Fitness skill, which doesn’t count as an achievement because J Huntington III beat him to it.

Marilyn reached the top of the Scouting Activity, earning the Scouting Aptitude trait.

Marilyn finally got the “A” that Arnessa had been waiting for.

The family threw a Gold-level Dinner Party to get Hector some additional Charisma and provide Hilary an opportunity to Cook 3 Gourmet Dishes at a Single Event.

Arnessa mentored Marilyn in Handiness. The last goal for Successful Lineage is for a child or grandchild to reach the top of their career.

Hilary reached level 8 of the Chef Career, completing the Master Chef aspiration. She takes Appliance Wiz next.

Hilary stirred the 100th drink for the “I’m the Mix Master” achievement, 25 points.

Jace threw a Gold-level House Party for his aspiration.

Jace was having a really hard time with the last step of his aspiration, to gain 250 Followers on Social Bunny. What finally worked was buying some (5 or so) outfits on Trendi and reselling them, then waiting till they sold. He completed the Admired Icon aspiration, and starts on Outdoor Enthusiast next. I had him graduate from High School early.

To get Greta the step to “Sell a poor quality item for $100”, I had her raise Gourmet Cooking to 5, get fully uncomfortable and then cook Salmon Nigiri in a horrible little room. Then I set the table to sell at a 300% Markup. It worked!

Since he had just graduated, Jace was eligible to move out to his own Tiny House (Oak Alcove in Newcrest). I don’t want to travel to Granite Falls with the whole family.

Hilary mastered the Baking skill, earning the “Piece of Cake” achievement for 50 points.

Hilary crafted an Ambrosia in case a ghost shows up at one of Greta’s food sales. Luckily it won’t spoil, since she has the Fresh Chef trait.

I had Marilyn graduate early to focus on her aspiration, Expert Nectar Maker. Seems like a sound life choice, right?

Hilary completed the Appliance Wiz aspiration. She takes the Soulmate aspiration next.

Greta mastered the Entrepreneurship Skill.

Greta mastered the Charisma skill, earning the “Smooth Talker” achievement for 50 points.

Hector reached the top of the Professional Athlete career, earning the World Competitor achievement for 50 points. This completed the last goal in Arnessa’s Successful Lineage aspiration. She takes Inner Peace next. Hector became an Overachiever at the same time.

By reaching the top of his career, Hector became eligible to join a new one; his aspiration becomes unblocked as he can now join the Mixologist career.

I decided to play a little longer as Hilary was hours from reaching the top of her career. It paid off quickly, as she earned the “Up a Notch” achievement for 50 points.

Amazingly given that this turn took a whopping 35 days, my score actually improved this turn.

Achievement Points1305
Sims with a Completed Aspiration18
Unique Aspirations Completed22
Days Played117
Score(18*22+1305)/117 = 15

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