Zophim Legacy: Generation 2 Toddlerhood

Balfur completed the Appliance Wiz aspiration. He takes Market Magnate next.

Balfur mastered the Mixology Skill, completing the requirements for one of the Food Points.

I bought Circin the Connections and Entreprenurial traits.

Cassiel made light work of her Toddler Skills.

Balfur mastered the Charisma Skill.

Balfur was forced to quit his job due to an advantageous chance card, which was good anyway because he had maxed it out. He took the other choice from his degree, Food Critic.

Circin reached the top of the Author career, giving her the chance to switch to Mixologist.

I needed a poor quality item to sell at $100, so I had Circin level their Gourmet Cooking just enough to make Salmon Nigiri, then got them Uncomfortable so they could do a really bad job.

The last task for Market Magnate was to resurrect a ghost. I’d been storing an Angel Fish for just this occasion, and Circin found a Death Flower on sale in the Magic Realm. Done! Balfur completed the Market Magnate aspiration. He takes Fabulously Wealthy next.

That was auto-completed, so now he starts on Mansion Baron. Time to switch off of Tiny Home!

Mansion Baron quickly followed. Balfur takes Expert Nectar Maker next. I’m pretty proud of this house.

Here’s the exterior shot. Balfur also completed the “Most Interesting Sim in the World” achievement, not that achievements matter in the Legacy Challenge.

Cassiel aged up to Child. I used the Legacy Challenge website’s random trait picker to choose an aspiration and trait for her. She rolled Whiz Kid and Horse Lover. She should have gotten the Top Notch Toddler trait, but was robbed, so I cheated it in for her. I also had her join Scouts.

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