Zophim Legacy: Starting Out

I am testing my new Notion database for tracking the Legacy Challenge, so I needed a challenge to test on. I started the Zophim Legacy, founded by Circin Zophim, a nonbinary alien. They wanted to be a Paragon of Hope, so they started with Hope Vs Order.

I was going to have them focus on their aspiration first, to try to get it out of the way. I also wanted to get them hooked up with someone while they are in Batuu.

Before I headed there, I wanted to earn a little bit of money to cover next week’s bills in advance. I headed to my favorite fishing spot in Tartosa to try to make a little dough. Unfortunately the Discovery Quest bugged and there was no reward from it. When I had $3000, a spare dragon fruit and a cowplant, I took them to Batuu.

They really hit it off with a Scoundrel named Balfur. Circin cheesed the relationship with Social Bunny and put the moves on him.

Circin quickly proposed, and became Loyal as a result. The couple eloped. Balfur Rodan is a Snob, an Overachiever, and a Geek. He wants to be an Academic.

Circin completed the Hope vs Order aspiration, and started on Paragon of Hope.

I took the couple home for a moment, so that Balfur could Apply to Universities.

Don’t do like I did, and buy a droid at the first opportunity, or it won’t count for the aspiration goal, and you’ll need to buy a second. Sigh.

Circin and Balfur completed the Batuu Records collection.

While on Batuu, I forgot about those pesky bills and the power got shut off. Went home to get them paid before it got worse.

Circin completed the Paragon of Hope aspiration on Day 9. Not too bad. They took the Bestselling Author aspiration next, and I took the household home.

I built them a Tiny Home with just a cheap bed and a cheap toilet and sink.

I enrolled Balfur in University, in the Culinary Arts program. I decided Foxbury Institute would be the household’s Legacy College. Circin got a new job, as a Writer. I had Balfur join the Brainiacs.

Bess Stirling randomly gave me $25,000! I didn’t even help her… You can see the deposit going by in the lower left.

I used the money to build the biggest Tiny Home ever. Only the bedroom and bathroom count as indoors, with exactly 32 tiles. There’s a walkable attic, too! The space in back is a greenhouse.

Balfur cooked a single serving of salad and became a Foodie. All that schooling must have done it. Circin wrote enough books to become an Overachiever.

Balfur mastered the Cooking Skill.

Balfur was abducted by aliens!

Balfur had a great first term.

Circin mastered the Gardening Skill.

Circin wrote enough books to become Creative.

Circin mastered the Writing Skill.

Circin reached the branch choice for the Writer career, and chose Author.

Balfur mastered the Gourmet Cooking Skill.

Balfur had another great semester. The Organization thing really is the way to succeed in University. I’ve never had such an easy time before I used that strategy.

Balfur mastered the Gardening Skill.

Circin took their one Potion of Youth. They spent most of the rest of their Satisfaction Points on the Creative Visionary trait.

Circin mastered the Entrepreneur Skill.

Circin’s royalties came in while they were asleep, completing their Bestselling Author aspiration. Next up, Freelance Botanist.

The Zophim Legacy has paid off their loan, and can cancel the Celebrity Home lot trait!

Balfur got his one Potion of Youth.

Balfur mastered the Dancing Skill.

I downgraded the Tiny Home to Tier 2, dropping the relationship boost and the plant growth boost, so that I could add a nursery.

I had Circin start taking Mixology Skill Classes in their free time.

Balfur had a third perfect term!

Circin got preg.

Balfur graduated with a degree in Culinary Arts. He got a job as a Chef, completing the Academic aspiration. He starts on Master Chef next.

Circin gave birth to Cassiel Zophim (an alien like her mother), bringing in Generation 2 and ending this turn.

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